New Testimonials
I have seen many patients that have come into the department who have made their own contraption to strap their drainage bags to their own body. People can be very creative when it comes out of necessity and that is why the Freedom Belt would be so beneficial. Patients would not have to think up a solution to their medical situation because it would be provided. I am happy that someone took the time to think about the patient and how to make their life a little more comfortable during an uncomfortable time.
Dawn Dowling, RT
Lawrence General Hospital
The Freedom belt provides a simple but organized method for drainage bag management. It is essentially a utility belt for management of all drainage procedures. Allow a patient to care for his drainage bags while having the freedom of movement. This will improve the care of drainage procedure patients.
Lawrence M. Casha, MD
Anna Jacques Hopsital
As medical device innovators, we often see true patient benefits from very simple ideas. The Freedom Belt is elegant in its simplicity, allowing the patient to move better and providing organization to the cumbersome cluster of tubes and bags. We often speak of the “three F’s” – form, fit and function and this technology nicely provides all three to temporary drainage patients.
Ron Murphy
Primo Medical Group